Friday, August 6, 2010

The Second Crepe...Better Than the First, but Still Pretty Crappy

Yeah, so its time for the second crepe. The crepe pan is getting warmer, we've remembered how to make them, and soon we'll be a veritable French pancake factory.

There's a couple things you should probably know about me before regular service begins.

1. I am waging my second boycott against Mel Gibson. The first was begun right after Apocalypto came out, and I was just sick of all the violent movies. The man had to be stopped. So I made it clear that I wouldn't watch another Mel Gibson movie until he was in a movie in which he did not express himself through violence.

I made it for a couple of years, but I finally caved. Mel Gibson didn't live up to his end of the bargain; I was simply feeling magnanimous after the election of Barack Obama. Or something like that. I can't really remember. Maybe it was because Chelsea won the premiership.

Of course, now Mr. Gibson is in all kinds of trouble for other reasons, and until his name is somehow cleared, the boycott is back on.

He pops up in these posts from time to time.

2. Politically, I lean to the left, flirting here and there with moderate positions. My idealism of my college years is wearing thin, and I am becoming much more of a pragmatist, I would say. But on some fundamental questions I remain firmly on the left.

I have recently been encouraged to expose myself to some right wing views after my facebook posts started taking a definite political turn. It didn't go so well. I read some Glenn Beck and Larry Schweikhart, and I listened to a little Sean Hannity. I was pretty unhappy with them, and I would say that my little period of Glasnost has not moderated my views much.

I've given up for now, though I still like to check in on Hannity so I can make fun of him from time to time. I think I am on a collision course with Ayn Rand next year, who seems to be providing the intellectual support on which these guys spout off.

3. God Help me, but I love Doughnuts. I don't eat them often, because I know that every bite eat is hastening my death...and yet they are so delicious....

4. In the tradition of many writers, I'm not adverse to putting a couple of silver bullets* in me before I sit down at the computer.

That's really all you need to know about me.

Have a spunky Punky Brewster kind of day.

* I would never actually drink silver bullet, or whatever that beer is for. I hope that's not a euphemism for some sort of bizarre sex act (this is NOT that kind of Blog). I'm a Bass man, at least for now. Hey, Napoleon drank it, so it must be good.

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