Thursday, August 30, 2012

Thoughts on Mitt Romney's Acceptance Speech -- Liveish

So the question is....should I go to sleep, or should I watch Mitt Romney give his acceptance speech for the nomination.

Eh.  Guess I'll watch the convention.

So Clint Eastwood just finished (I love his work as a director, but he looked like he could use a nap).  Now its Marco Rubio's turn.  Everytime I hear his name I think of that kid in Hook who's name is roofy and all the kids say "Roofy-o!" when he does something awesome.  Hook was a fine film.  I only realized the other day that....shoot...Dustin Hoffman was hook.


I have to pee.  Should I skip the intro and go for it?  Eh....



Okay, I'm back.

Changed the channel from CNN to NBC.  That little factoid block at the bottom of the screen was really annoying.  What is this?  Pop-up politics?

Huh.  I wonder if Obama is watching tonight.  I wonder....

I got to say, Marco Rubio is doing a pretty good job.  Can't say I agree with him on everything, but he's a good speaker.  Faith in the creator the most important value of all?  I think Thomas Jefferson may disagree.  If America is really God's chosen country...I dunno, I don't think that really bodes well for the Lord.  What makes me better than all those poor kids in Taiwain who knit my underwear together?  And one day, will I be knitting underwear for them?

You know, this has been a really long introductory speech.  Come on buddy, wrap it up.  I have to, you know, go to work in the morning and actually do something instead of spend the day on a bus galavanting across the countryside talking about how great America is.  I'm trying to do my civic duty and listen to what Mitt Romney has to say...but at some point I got to get some sleep so that I could do my part.  5,000 people have spent three days in Tampa, dropping a lot of money, but not really doing anything to forward society (unless you believe that Mitt Romney is going to win and take us forward....).

Okay, here we go.  He's finally stopped talking Apple Pie, he's finally going to....wait, nope...nope...nope he's still talking about how great we are.

Wow, was that a gaffe?  Did he just say we chose more government than more freedom?  Oops.

Hey!  There he is!  He's walking down the aisle, shaking hands, looking presidential, walking down the red carpet.  NBC is comparing it to a wrestler ending a ring.  Sheesh.

I think it would have been way cooler if Mitt Romney had appeared on the stage suddenly in a poof of Red smoke.  Or maybe if he had been wheeled onto the stage in a pod.

But what if the pod doesn't open?  The election would be lost.

Okay, now he has walked up the stairs.  He has a good, presidential jauntiness about him.  It would be a bad thing if he, say, tripped and fell or looked a little winded once he got to the top.  Risky, having stairs.  I'm sure there were some staffers who thought it was a bad idea.  But when you are president, you are going to have to walk up many stairs.  Best get used to it.

1036:  Mitt Romney accepts nomination

1037:  Whoever did Romney's make up did a really great job.  He looks like a young 63.  Not at all a full 65.  Nice teeth to.  If he is an observant Mormon he won't drink coffee or coke, and that has left him with a brilliant smile.  Very nice.  Nice suit too.  Very Slick.  And a Red tie!  Obama always wear a blue one.  How charmingly unsubtle.  I wonder if that will be a motif through this race.

1038:  Psh.  The Republicans were comabting Obama from day one, tooth and nail.  You never gave him a chance.

1039:  Romney gives a little jab, building a business with your own hands.

1040:  Eh....the new Americans may embrace the future.  But the old Americans are horribly wedded to their past.  We are hobbled by it, even as we don't understand it, even as we deny it.

1043:  I doubt that Romney is really going to be able to lower gas prices.

1044:  Romney's eyebrows are a little unkempt.  Ann Romney's however, are well plucked.  In Upper Malakvia, thick eyebrows are a sign of fertility and virility, and so he's probably just won their vote.  Will they decide the election....

1045:  Funny that Romney discusses the race to the moon as a sign of America's greatness.  It is totally just, because its the greatest engineering feat ever accomplished, but it was also a massive government undertaking which cost an incredible amount of money.  It just shows what government CAN accomplish.  Or what it could do.  Maybe our government can't do that anymore.  Maybe our country can't do that.  But it shows what the government, well lead, well funded, can do.

1047:  Again, the American government fed Romney's dad when they arrived from Mexico.  Under the Ryan plan, would we still do that....probably.

1049:  Touching story about the rose.  That is really great.  Good on ya, Romney.

1051:  Hey, a touch of emotion there from the big man.  Did his voice break?  Or does he need a little oil?  Hell, raising 5 kids is tough.  Raising just one is tough.  And 5 boys no less.

1056:  Eh, here we go again with the whole business thing.  I still don't think that being a businessman means you are going to be a great president.  Donald Trump is a....businessman.  Sort of.  But I don't think he would be a good president at all (though it would be so funny to see him try....until we all started crying because America was broken).

1057:  A joke about going to hell.  Eh.  Falls a bit flat for me.

1100:  So anyone can be Steve Jobs?  Has this guy read Outliers?

1100:  Woah!  Who was that guy?  He had really really awful teeth.  He probably should have laid off the coffee, soda, and cigarettes...

1102:  Romney's earlobes are connected to his face.  I wonder what that says about his character?

1104: So on the 5 point plan to create jobs?  I agree with balancing the budget (if it includes revenue increases) and...the third one.  Which I forgot.  Its getting late.  I am tired.

1107:  Now the social issue stuff.  None of it I really agree with, reading between the lines of what he is saying.  Its one of the big things that keep me from voting Republican.  Far more likely to vote Libertarian, but I don't think Libertarianism works in this day and age.

1110:  Oh great.  Now we are going to war with the Russians.  Guess that is how we are going to create those 12 million jobs.  Okay, that is a stretch.  The policies of Truman and Regan no longer apply, when free nations elect terrorist organizations to government.

1112:  Do you want to see a guillotine in piccadily?  NO!  Do you want that raggedy-ass Napoleon to be your king?  NO!  Do you want your children to sing the Marseille?  NO!

1114:  Thank God.  Its finally over.  A good speech.  A really good speech.  I find myself in a strange place, because I think I like Romney more than Obama, I think maybe he is probably a better leader.  That means a lot.  But in this day in age I am so scared of giving the Republicans a mandate to do whatever the hell they want and I still do not agree in large part with their philosophy.  If I could be certain he would lead as a moderate I would consider voting for him.

Allright.  Good night guys.  See you tomorrow.

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