Monday, September 20, 2010

The Wiccans are Coming!

It's September. The mid-terms are a mere month away, thank God. Normally I would begin the post by hoisting my colors (I guess since I am a left leaning person it would be colored Red...or maybe pink? Maybe rainbow colored?) and lay in a rhetorical broadside against the Glenn Becks, Sarah Palins, and Newt Gingrich's of the world.

But not today. Good people, the present climate has left me a little disillusioned with politics. I woke up this morning and everyone is talking about this Anti-wanking wiccan who wants to go to Washington. That was enough for me. It's time to take a step back. I need a break for a few days before the Republican's unleash their newest contract with America. Oh, you can be bet I will be reading that.

Look, as to the witchcraft thing, I really don't see what the big deal is if she did dabble in something she ultimately rejected. But watch out! She might be a wiccan in a Christian's clothing. If we aren't careful, those wiccans are going to overrun our great Christian nation and soon our children will be praying to Triple Goddesses and Horn Gods. Horn Gods!

As for the other just shows how lots of people on the right (though not all, let us be fair) want government out of everything EXCEPT for our bedrooms.

Well, enough. I said I wasn't going to do this. Besides, last week I found myself touched in a very personal way by politics.

It seems that President Obama was in the Philadelphia last tuesday to deliver his back to school speech to kids everywhere. Now, did you know that when the president is departing from an airport pretty much the whole airport is shut down, and that any planes in route will have to sit in a holding pattern until the president leaves?

I didn't, until last Tuesday when I got stuck in a holding pattern over philadelphia so Mr. POTUS could fly out of philadelphia.

To which I ask: is this trip really necessary? Have you considered video conferencing?

Its not just that the Presidnet probably spent a few thousand dollars in one day to fly to Philly to give a speech and then fly right back. He's the President. I think he should probably stay in the office a little more, at least the one that is on the ground, but he is the President.

But everytime he travels, he snarls up the travel plans of hundreds of people. I did actually talk to one couple that said they had a thrity minute flight into Philly that took 2 hours, all becuase of the POTUS and his little speech.

Now I must say that those people did not look too important. But what if they were REALLY important? You know, like the guy sitting next to you on the plane wearing shorts, loafers, a t-shirt and a blue blazer, reading a copy of Cigar Afficianado? He might have missed the meeting in which he was going to purchase the Landycakes Muffin Company for immense profits, lowering GDP and HURTING AMERICA.

Gosh, see? I can't stop. But I must. So I am going to bed.

Rather Disappointing, this.

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