Tuesday, March 1, 2016

In Which Nick Casts a Super Tuesday Vote For...

So I am standing in line waiting to vote in the Presidential Primary, the first time I've ever voted in one.  And I'm voting for...

Taa Daa!!! Hillary Clinton.  But I don't really feel good about it.  

I did consider voting in the Republican Primary, to be an anti-Trump vote.  I would have voted for Rubio in that case.  But you know what, my Republican friends? You got yourselves into this mess (if indeed you consider it to be a mess), and I'm not going to bail you out. Let it be on your head.  

Plus, even though Rubio is the Republican I'd be most likely to vote for, I'd be throwing my tacit support behind someone who will not support measures that combat climate change, which is issue nummer eins for me.  Defending that stance is another blog post and a half, but for now just take it as is.  

But in truth I also don't like how Rubio can't seem to say three words without name dropping the big JC.  I believe very much in the separation of Church and State, and I'm actually kind of glad that so far faith has not been a big part of the Democratic race.  In my heart of hearts, while I wonder what it says about my latent faith, I simply can't vote for someone who asks for God's guidance when in my experience God is largely silent and, perhaps, not as impressed with us as we'd like to believe. 

That leaves me with a Democratic Ballot, and a choice between Clinton and Sanders.  I may be a tree hugger and a secularist, but on fiscal matters I'm squarely in the middle....okay maybe center left...but in short I feel that he's just too far left to govern effectively.  

He's also so damn old.  He should be settling down in a New York Deli with a pastrami on rye and some hot black coffee with a side of ice chips (cools it down, you know?), not running for President.

So Hillary, that leaves you.  

She's imminently qualified, an excellent politician.  But with a history of scandals swirling around her and Mr. Bill it's hard to believe that she can be totally trusted.  She also doesn't really know how normal people live - though I think only about half the candidates really do.  She's hawkish too, which can be good or bad.  Expect us to kill some more terrorists, but also don't be surprised if a few more Afghan weddings get bombed by drones.  We seem to have a bad habit of doing that.  

At the end of the day, though, I feel she will take action on climate change, continue much of Obama's agenda, practice at least a modicum of compassion in office, and has a better chance then Sanders of actually governing with some efficacy.  

So, with a grudging sigh, I say go Clinton.  Yippee skippy bo pippy a doo waa day.


  1. I'm not excited by her ties to wall street. I do not believe she will stop Wall Street since she is very flip-floppy on so many issues, in fact moving towards Sanders in order to win. If what you stand for is not enough to get one elected, and they have to lie or shift to get elected, that just rubs me the wrong way. She will be status quo, and I hope that she can continue to bandaid the financial situation enough so we don't go further into a recession. It seems that if she continues Obama's status quo, that the middle class will continue to shrink and the poor will go further down. Those things sort of blow.

    But better than Trump right?

    1. I dunno, unknown. The status quo for the moment is dysfunctional government. Maybe you need an insider, someone who understands how politics works, to get something done.
