Thursday, September 22, 2016

The Relevance of Poetry

If you want to gain a little perspective, then I'd highly recommend you find a local open mike poetry night.

The group I am a part of (more or less) had it's 8th anniversary open mike a week and a half ago, and it was....pretty incredible.  So many different voices: perspectives from blacks, whites, latinos, believers, non-believers, liberals, conservatives. There is nothing really quite like it, where you have people who are so willing to share their experience so openly, and you have people who more importantly are willing to quietly, respectfully listen.

Listening breeds understanding, understanding empathy, and empathy?  Peace.  Nothing could be more relevant today.

Here are a couple of excellent poets that were good enough to share with the group.  First is Dayana Lee,  the current young poet Laureate of Hampton Roads, an award winning international poet.  The other is her mentor and coach, Nathan Richardson.  Check it out, support your local poets, and gain a different perspective.  I don't think you will be sorry. 

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