Sunday, November 17, 2013

...And Our Lady Hubris Strikes

So after making a rather self congratulatory blog post on how I was the greatest thing since sliced bread because I helped launch an aircraft carrier, even as I recognized that Our Lady Hubris is a vengeful mistress, my daughter was violently ill.  Like really violently ill in a way I've never really seen but always feared.

So Garrison Keillor was right. I should have said "Launching a Carrier is better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick" and left it at that.  But no.  I had to be bombastic.  Well, I have learned my lesson.

Ah well.  Just goes to show you how life can turn on the head of a pin.  So it goes.

1 comment:

  1. Oooooh so it's *your* fault! And you tried to blame me for getting the wrong medicine. For shame sir, for shame. :P
