Monday, March 28, 2011

The President's Speech

I have not commented much on politics and what is happening in the world lately. Certainly, for those who have read the Facebook notes, not as much as I used to. Sometimes, though, I feel the need to write a little bit. And so, in this month of record blog postings, let me make one more superfluous, poorly written post.

Very briefly: I don't know, honestly, where I fall on the debate on our actions in Libya. I would say that I am glad we were able to fashion a coalition of other nations, several of which are actually comitting military assets to the conflict. I don't know the geo-political calculus that got us involved in this war, but as to the use of force (a blunt instrument though it may be) to safe guard the lives of civilians, I would suggest there are about 7,000 tortured souls haunting the fields near Srebinica that would argue it may be worth trying.

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